Wednesday, November 18, 2015


I recently returned from almost two weeks in Cuba where I found a country that runs on very limited resources, where  most buildings are in a state of disrepair and where even the simplest gifts are accepted with incredible gratitude.   

The people of Cuba make do with so little that's it's hard to imagine the lives that they lead.  And yet they are the most welcoming, lovely people.  There are clearly signs of change as new business are springing up - mostly as homes are converted to private restaurants and B & Bs, and some revitalization in the cities has begun.   I loved the people, the music and the cars!

A few of the many car photos that I took.

As we went out into the countryside, there were more horse & carts then cars.

The rare billboards I saw were of a political nature.  What we called the 'embargo', Cubans refer to as the 'blockade'.
The people were wonderful.

On occasion, you see people wearing USA garb.  Great icebreaker to chat with them.