Monday, May 2, 2016

Alaska... part 2

Continuing on with the Alaska tale, we cruised on to the Hubbard Glacier in Disenchantment Bay then on to Glacier Bay the next day.  Nothing for fun icebergs like I saw in Antarctica and no major calving to be seen, but just listening to the glacier is as it stresses, shifts and cracks is fascinating.
The day in Glacier Bay was raining, which didn't make for exciting photos, so I'll spare you there and move on to Skagway. The day in Skagway was the best both weather-wise and the excursion.  I took the White Pass Scenic Railway up into the mountains and over the Canadian border to British Columbia.  Just beautiful scenery the entire way.

The Yukon Suspension Bridge at the Tutshi Canyon.

The town of Skagway has a long history from the days of the gold boom when it was apparently a wild and crazy place. 


After Skagway we stopped in Juneau and Ketchikan, both nice little towns.  Unfortunately the weather was quite miserable both days with blowing rain.  I walked around with friends, had some more crab and made the best of it.  Photo below is leaving the rain was finally coming to an end.  
Today, as we cruise towards Vancouver, the weather has been beautiful and the scenery stunning.  I need to see more to the Pacific Northwest one of these days.