Monday, April 3, 2017

Calabria - the Toe of the Boot

The last part of this trip brought us back to the Italian mainland, specifically the region of Calabria. We first stopped in the small town of Scilla for lunch and a walk through town.  I had seen these long, thin, silver fishes called Spatola at a few fish markets so when I saw it on the menu I decided to checked it out. Good meal, I'll need to remember that fish.

This family business producing charcoal was an interesting stop.  It takes a month to burn the wood down to charcoal then 4 days for it to cool.  A large stack makes about 10 tons of charcoal.  

In the town of Pizzo we stopped at a gelato shop known for their ice cream truffles called Tartufo. The video I posted on Face Book of these being made elicited a number of requests for me to recreate them upon my return.  Ha! I can guarantee that will not be happening.

I always find it interesting that no matter what town you're in, you find groups of men hanging out in the parks, in the town squares, at the coffee shops.  From what I hear, the women kick them out of the house so they can get the cleaning and cooking done.  Personally, I'd put them to work!  One of the gentlemen below was excited to chat with my friend from California.  Apparently, he had lived in the US for 40ish years and owned an Italian restaurant not far from her.  He moved back to Pizzo when he retired. 

One of our group trying out a Tartufo. 

I never tire of the red tile roofs. 

The small village of San Lorenzo Bellizzi is situated in the mountains of Pollino National Park. The population has decreased over the years as people move to the cities and with a lack of restoration funds it's been impossible to salvage decaying buildings.  The major has been putting some of these old stone houses up for auction at low prices in an effort to revitalize his town. 

In a small town like this the shopping mall comes to you...

Just below our lovely B & B in Civita was the path down to Devil's bridge which spans the Raganello Gorge. 

Meeting the locals on the way down.

Hiking up in the hills above Civita.

A stop to see (and taste) cheeses made from water buffalo milk.  Probably the best ricotta ever. Not a bad ending to the trip!