Tuesday, January 27, 2015


In the town of Manta, I spent the day with a few others on a private tour that included the fish market.  I always love the local markets as it’s a great way to see how people live and do business.  This market up until a few years ago was conducted fully out on the beach.  Today most is under a roof, but some remains out of doors.  The pelicans and egrets clearly know when the market is in session. 

We then wandered around the town of Montecristi.  The town is renowned for originating and still making Panama hats; the finest of which can sell for thousands.

Our stop the next day was Guayaquil.  I strolled around the waterfront and markets with friends as well as visiting Iguana Park.  Heads up if you ever visit here: don’t stand under the trees.  The iguanas hang out in the trees and droppings from these guys is a whole lot worse than any bird!  And no, I was not a victim, just an observer J.

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