Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting ready for a new adventure...

As I was setting up this blog I pulled in a picture from my 2006 trip to Brazil. Blog practice, that's a new one for me!


  1. Kathy, I am your first blogger friend! Wish I could go with you! Annette

  2. KK,
    You have an official (working!) blog - you're ready for lift off. Happy trails...

  3. I thought you were going to let me go and be your official blogger?

    It looks like I'll be stuck holding down the ship.. which is ironic since you will be the one on the seas...

    Seriously though, this journey will help you remain 'forever young'.



  4. I was right. Kathy didn't let me sign on as her official blogger. Instead she is traveling with Kimo. I'm sure she is expecting him to be a great traveling companion and will figure heavily in her world clas photo books.

    Seriously though, I'm hoping and expecting that Kay will have a great trip and bring back wonderful memories and tales that will become part of the folklore.

    Bon Voyage and Buon viaggio!



  5. Kimo is safely packed away and even the kids in the family now know to keep an eye out for my furry friend in upcoming photos. I'm sure that when all is said and done he'll have many stories to tell and will be an integral part of my photo book!

  6. Great picture #1 but Kimo needs a little fresh air. He should be propped up to see the great outdoors. It will also let him focus on the horizon and avoid motion sickness as he gets his sea legs (all four of them).


  7. Be careful.
    The question was raised about the odds of you leaving Kimo behind.
    I came to your defense. There is no doubt in my mind that you are up to the task.

    I'm glad that your thanksgiving went well and am hoping that your new friend has a balcony on the other side of the ship so you are able to get the Antartica view that you were hoping for.

    As we give thanks today, we are grateful for your fulfillment of your 'journey into summer'.


  8. Hi Kathy! Thinking of you and all the wonderful places that you're visiting. More photos please! I love your posts. xo ~Barbara
