Sunday, February 8, 2015

Easter Island

Spent the day on Easter Island Thursday.  The day started rainy and with swells that made tendering difficult.  After a 2 hour delay and talk of cancellation, we finally made it to the island.  The sun came out and it turned into a lovely day.  By the time we got to the various sites, the lighting was more ‘high noon’ than I care for, but we were there! 

Moais standing on an ahu, or platform, at Ahu Tongariki.

 At Rano Raraku, the quarry where the statues were carved, there are close to 400 moais in different stages of completion.  Some standing, some face down, and many with heads only showing as the bodies were buried by layers of earth over the years.  Fascinating to walk through this area.

I'd like to post more photos, but the intranet is way too slow.

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