Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sainte Marie Island – Madagascar

Coming back to Africa is always a treat, and to finally make it to Madagascar is special.   On the first day we anchored off of Sainte Marie Island and its main town of Ambodifotatra.  From there I did an excursion that took us to the small island Ile Aux Nattes.  Our primary base was the only resort on the island – a small, simple place with individual huts.  From there we walked much of the island through small villages and up to the highest point with the island’s lighthouse.  There are no cars on the island making walking the dirt streets easy. 

Two lemurs came to visit while we were there.  They didn’t stay around for too long, but long enough to get a few photos while they were atop one of the huts.


And as always, there were cute children...


  1. Kids are beyond cute...,lemurs amazing!!!

  2. You would have loved it! Wish we could re-do our original 1989 trip with digital... can you imagine how many photos we would have taken!
