Sunday, March 22, 2015

The French Island of Reunion

Reunion is another tropical paradise, but quite different from Mauritius.  Mauritius is an independent island nation with a strong Indian influence.  It’s quite flat with miles of sugarcane fields and pretty beaches.  In contrast, Reunion is French territory and is very mountainous with villages dotting the lush slopes.  Many of the miles of beaches are beautiful, but not prized as swimming beaches due to the hot black sand laced with broken coral. The French influence is evident everywhere.  I did a 4-wheel drive excursion into the mountains to check out the tropical scenery.  
Just a sample of the many flowers to be found up in the mountains.


We had lunch at the home of a family who cater to small groups, cook over a wood-burning stove and use veggies and herbs from their own garden.   They specialize in maintaining knowledge of the healing properties of the region’s plants, even working with scientists to figure out why one of the leaves works to lower cholesterol.  Chopped up plants, bark and whatever where laid out drying to be used eventually in teas or other preparations.  Lunch was fabulous.

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