Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from Antigua!

I'm getting ready to go down for Thanksgiving dinner but first wanted to say that I hope that you're all having a very happy one. Tina- I'm sure that there is a magnificent turkey coming out of your oven tonight! So sorry that I'm not there to do The Ring!!! I had such a wonderful day on Antigua and then back aboard the ship with a great jazz band playing as we departed. I could live this life forever. I spent much of the day on a jeep tour, swimming in the warm waters and wandering the streets with a gal from So. Africa. She's on for the full cruise as well and has already invited me to visit her. I told her that it's a BIG mistake to invite me anywhere as I'm very likely to take her up on it!

Happy Thanksgiving to all - especially to the mother :)

ps to Emma: Kimo was in my beach bag today, but I was having so much fun in the water that I forgot all about him. My friends at work will be after me for that! I'll try to have him in another picture soon.


  1. Hi, Kathy, looks like you have lovely weather and are already making friends! Yeah!
    Had Thanksgiving here and it was lovely and peaceful. Went to Vermont for the weekend.
    Is the food good??

  2. Poor Kimo, You get to lounge in the sun and he is stuff in a beach bag! But what I would do to be a stow away in that beach bag ;-}
