Monday, January 11, 2010

Last Three Ports in Chile

Since I last posted, I've been to 3 ports of call. All have been interesting, but no great photos to show. First up was Puerto Montt with it's surrounding volcanoes. Not the most exciting place, but I enjoyed the shopping stalls with all the local arts and goods.

Next was Valparaiso with colorful homes built up the slopes of the surrounding hills. There are cable-car like funiculars at various locations to transit between the neighborhoods. A few of us went to the neighboring town of Vina del Mar to walk around and do a bit of shopping.

The last stop in Chile was Coquimbo. I did an excursion to La Serena and Elqui Valley. This is a very dry area where it only rains a few days per year. The surrounding mountains are brown and cactus-covered, but with lushly cultivated land along the riverbanks. Lots of grapes for making pisco (great drink!), nuts, fruits and other produce.

Pictures: one of the volcanoes behind Puerto Montt, knitted items at a market stall, a funicular on the hills around Valparaiso, one of the varieties of grapes for making pisco, and one of a couple of Moai's that I saw at a couple of museums. I guess I don't need to go to Easter Island now!

I leave for Machu Picchu early tomorrow morning. Will update when I return (probably over the weekend).


  1. Great pictures again, Kathy. Have a wonderful excursion. Hope it is all that you dreamed.

  2. Hi - have a wonderful trip to M.P. Look forward to hearing from you when you get back down to earth! Miss you. ox

  3. Glad to see the new pictures. Can't wait to hear about your excursion to Machu Picchu!

  4. Machu Picchu?
    Beware of some of the rituals that temple was known for. Don't volunteer to participate in any of the reenactments. Just have fun & take lots of pictures.

  5. I was ready for a new installment of pics!! I can't wait to see your Machu Picchu took a long time getting there! I still want to get there one day! Enjoy!!

  6. Hi Kay,
    Did the Incas let you go? I hope it was fabulous,

  7. gee kay kay, maybe mary lou's on to something... where are you? did shirley maclaines aliens abduct you or something? we want an update!!!

  8. Yes,the Incas let me go; no alien abductions involved. I was just slow in getting this posted. Had a great time! Carrie - I'm ready to go back anytime you want. I did not get enough of Peru, so would go back in a heartbeat.
