Sunday, January 17, 2010

Magical Machu Picchu

Sorry for the delay in posting, here goes....

Most of you already know the story. I wrote a report on the Incas in the 6th grade and vividly recall the red construction paper cover and accompanying model of an Inca village. I've been wanting to get to Peru and Machu Picchu ever since. Now I can finally check this one off the "1,000 places to see before I die" list.

Very briefly - we flew to Cusco and then drove into the Sacred Valley of the Incas with some stops along the way: then took the train up to our hotel just below MP. The next morning we drove by bus up the switch-back road to the site. It was wonderful!! We walked throughout the site learning about the history and culture, then climbed to the high points for sundials and great views. I loved every minute of it. In the afternoon we took the Hiram Bingham train back to Cusco to stay at the beautiful Hotel Monasterio (a renovated monastery).

Bob- I did not submit to any ancient rituals (I try to avoid anything that may result in loss of life!).

The next day we saw some of Cusco, then flew to Lima. As much as I wanted to see Lima, I would have preferred to skip this and spend another night in Cusco rather than waste time with another flight. But, all-in-all a great trip. We left Lima Friday morning and flew to Quayaquil, Ecuador to meet up with the ship.

I was delighted to be met in Quayaquil by Sandra's (CHB) cousins who took me to dinner and to explore Las Penas. This is a neighborhood that spreads up the Santa Ana Hill and in recent years was transformed from run-down homes to a charming area that remains residential with it's local cafes, bars and shops. Each building has a photo on the wall that shows what it looked like prior to renovations. We climbed the 444 steps to the top where there is a lighthouse, a chapel, and great views of the city.

Photos: Machu Picchu (even Kimo remembered to come along), a hummingbird at MP (note that the wings are not moving while it drinks it's nectar - I'm told that this is to conserve O2 at the high altitude), a woman weaving at the side of the road above Cusco, the Presidential Palace in Lima and Las Penas in Quayaquil.

Going through to Panama Canal tomorrow which means that I'm almost home. Wish that I could stay on for a few more months!


  1. Glad it was wonderful! Great pictures.
    (If I don't flap my wings will I need less o2?)

  2. We will be glad to have you on this side of the oceans again! Wonderful photos, thank you so much for sharing. oxox

  3. ML - crack me up!!! Let me know how it goes when you stop flapping your wings!

    Someone pls tell Mom that I had drinks tonight with Bob Wallace and his wife Kathy. Bob flew for years with Dad and speaks of him as "one of the best". Nice to hear, but then again we already knew that :)

    Hope all is well at home.

  4. Hi, Kathy, more great pictures. Can't wait to see your new book!
    Snowing again here. Winter's back cannot be broken before you come home. sorry.

  5. Your photos of Machu Picchu look just like all the professional photos! Can't believe that you're almost home! It seems strange that it has been 6 1/2 weeks since I was there with you. In a way it feels like 6 1/2 months. Looked at the ship's webcam from the canal today. Enjoy your last few days on the Symphony.

  6. wow! those pics are something. so, did you see any alien ships at all? any little green men? timbano and chocolate cake next saturday. mmmm....sounds good, doesn't it!

  7. Amazing pictutes Kathy!! I can't believe that you took Kimo to Machu Picchu :) he knows more places than me lol. The pictures are so beautiful I can't wait for you to come back and tell us stories for each place :) Take care and hope we will see you soon you are almost here. :)

  8. Tina - Alec is a lucky boy to be getting Timbano for his birthday! I'd love to come up but I won't even be getting back to Walpole until at least 8pm.

  9. I think it's time you came home now. You've been gone way too long. Hope to see you saturday.

  10. A little late, but WELCOME BACK! I can't wait to talk to you and hear many, many stories and see lots and lots of pictures! This was so incredible to be able to see highlights along the way! It made my initial shoulder recovery a bit less boring!! Talk to you soon and hope to see you real soon!!!!

  11. ps..not being a rodent fan, I like the first MP pic better! That hummingbird looks huge...was it much bigger than our little ruby throated ones?
