Sunday, January 3, 2010

Cape Horn and Beyond

Just a quick update to say that the notoriously bad seas around Cape Horn were not to be seen on this trip. It was smooth sailing the entire way back across the Drake Passage and around the Horn. Walked around Ushuaia yesterday (a nice little town "at the end of the world"), and then it was down the Beagle Channel and on to Punte Arenas, Chile where we are currently in the docking process. If the winds have died down enough I will be flying up into the Torres del Paine National Park around 8am this morning.

Photos include some kids hanging out in Ushuaia, store mannequins that I thought were a hoot, local wall art, and the very blue end of one of the many glaciers that we passed on the Beagle Channel yesterday.


  1. loved your pictures and commentaries!keep on!!!!traveling with you
    carlota & luiz

  2. Kathy, looks like a great time. What an adventure! When do you go to Michu Pichu?

  3. Love the photos; penguins are the thing obviously! Stay safe; have you been healthy? Kept the dreaded flu and colds away? oxox
