Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dodging Icebergs in Antarctica

The last three days have been spectacular. We've had unbelievably good weather. In fact, one of the wait staff told me that he'd been here 6 times before and this was the first time that he'd seen the sun. It was in and out for us on all 3 days. The time between sunset and sunrise was about 3 hours (and never got dark in between), so some of the best lighting was between 10pm and 4am. Who needs to sleep anyway!

The aptly named "Iceberg Ally" was fascinating. Large or small, I loved looking at the variations of size, shape and color. To give some perspective, I included a picture of one with penguins on it. I also included a picture of the route that we followed for anyone who is interested. I have so many pictures to go through, but hopefully these few will give you an idea of what it was like.

We're now back in the Drake Passage heading for Cape Horn and then docking in Ushuaia, Argentina tomorrow afternoon. For tonight, it's all about partying! Happy 2010 to all!!!

PS to Matt and Kira: how's everything going? Still hanging in there????

Sue: what picture?


  1. Wow - what amazing photos!!!
    Emma sends a big thank you for the package under the tree on Christmas Eve, that was a nice surprise. We miss you, but glad the penguins have the pleasure of your company.

  2. Happy New Year to U ! We are all well and enjoying the nice AZ weather. What marvelous photos Kay. What an adventure you are having! I sent along a photo of Kate and Rose from my cell hoping you could download on your work address. Maybe it was blocked. Miss you lots!M and K great, Brian got promotion! xoxo

    Glad you're having a fabulous time.
    The pics are great, keep them coming.
    Love, Lou

  4. HAPPY NEW YEAR KAY KAY!! I miss you! Your photos are amazing-they look like they're out of national geographic. Enjoy every minute! XOX Meg

  5. dear kay only today I was able to make my inscription to  send our comments to you. we have been following your journey and happy that the weather is helping. I am also receiving some news from Lois. Your pictures are really fantastic! and, if you  do not mind, at the end of your journey, I would love to receive a dvd with some of the best(I can send you teh DVD).your photos with luiz and themonkeys made big success! hope that you all had wonderful Xmas and a happy New Year.Here it was raining at midnight and the wind was blowing strong but today we went again to the beach.With your blog we are travelling with you. Great idea! thanks for letting us join you.With loveCarlota & Luiz

  6. I hope that you all had a fun New Years. I certainly did!

    To the sisters: pls tell Mom that I couldn't get to a phone off the ship today to call her, so let her know that I was thinking of her and wishing her a Happy New Years.

    Sue- glad that you're back in your warm home. What's the promotion that Bri got???

    Carlota – how wonderful to see your post! I hope that you enjoyed the holidays, but now that they’re over perhaps you should come back to finish the cruise with us :). I’d be more than happy to send you a disc with some of the pictures – you don’t need to send a disc, it will be easy enough for me to do when I get home. I already have your address, so I’ll do it once I get settled back home.

    The New Years celebration on the ship was fun, and the seas have been flat - far from what you hear about the Drake passage. We have been lucky indeed.

    You’re missing another fun art session. I’ll have to post some of the creations from this trip at some point so you can see what you missed(probably after I get home). We have some very creative people – I just wish that I was one of them! Missing you and Luiz. Kathy

  7. Happy New Year Kay! You should have taken my advice and sold photo books to the other (less talented) passengers on your trip. Actually, you still could... your pictures are amazing. Will there be a 2011 calendar for me on Christmas morning next year? My beautiful Italy 2009 is sadly, done. Thank you for the wonderful cookbook. I've already marked some "must try" recipes. We're all really enjoying your posts and pictures so keep sending! XOX Beth

  8. The glaciers and icebergs are just incredible! I continue to be in awe!!! How I would love to be on this journey with you!! It is so amazing following you here! Kenzie is back at school; poor Chris took her back during a bad storm which exactly followed their route. He is on the way back now...all alone..and should get here around midnight. Keep posting; I'll think of you while I'm in PT!
