Monday, December 21, 2009

Magnificent Iguazu Falls

We flew from Buenos Aires to a 2-gate airport in the middle of the rain forest just a few miles from the falls and realized pretty quickly that I have to thank Sandra for recommending that I do this excursion. Pictures just don't convey the magnitude of these falls. There are actually 275 waterfalls over a two-mile stretch of rock. We walked more than 5 miles on catwalks above, below and all around the falls. Very cool!

I've posted a couple of pictures of the falls along with a couple of wildlife shots. Note the pictures of the fools in a boat going so close the falls. Yes, I did that. If I had simply jumped in the river I doubt that I'd have been as wet as I got on that boat! Soaked to the bone! But, it felt good on such a hot day and it was one of those experiences that I just couldn't pass up.


  1. WOW! that is magnificently beautiful! what a gorgeous bird... any idea what he's called? your neighbor called to tell me that your walk hasn't been shoveled (you got about 18" down there - us only 8"). who's supposed to do it? can i call someone? mom was THRILLED that you called this morning. miss you!!!!!!!!! XO

  2. never mind about the walk. someone finally took care of it.

  3. Hi Tina! Annette's son Sam is taking care of the walk. He won't always be able to get right over there, but it shouldn't matter much since no one is going in the house any ways. Thanks to Marilyn for checking.

    I don't know the name of the bird, but was happy to finally get a shot at one of the many pretty ones I've seen. Hope you're all ready for Christmas!

  4. Hey, how are you? Tom and I are at Kate and Dan's. Guess who is holding Rose while she sleeps?! Beautiful photos and glad it is so warm for you. Not here, it is freezing! Heading over to Beth's in a couple hours. Won't be the same without you there. Miss you. oxxo

  5. Hey Sue! Sorry to hear that you're back in the cold weather, but somehow I think you'll overlook it when you're holding Rose. I've missed being with you all tonight, but we'll make up for it on Raupie Day. Enjoy your time in New England! Love to the gang.

  6. Hi Kathy, I am glad you like it... it is gorgeous! I am happy that you are enjoying the trip :)
