Sunday, December 13, 2009

Last Ports on the Amazon & Calm Days at Sea

I've been getting messages that it's time for an update, so thought I'd better interrupt my relazation to check in. The last few days have been cruising towards Rio de Janeiro and althought I prefer days in port, I have to say that I could get use to these lazy days. I'm keeping busy with various shipboard activities, coctail parties and late night entertainment. Pool to the jacuzzi is the best part of the day. On all sea days they provide art classes, so this is fair warning to the Vitale family that you will be receiving my homemade Christmas gifts on Raupie Day. And yes, you should be afraid indeed!

Pictures are from the last two ports on the Amazon: Boca de Valeria and Santarem. Theme for the day seems to be cute kids. The little girl dancing was with the adult "greeters" who were dancing on the dock in Santarem and she seemed quite serious about keeping up with her mother. My big learning experience was seeing how Brazil nuts grow - it was like opening a can of nuts... well, I suppose if you normally open a can of nuts with a hammer and chisel! By the way, all the kids love Kimo!

Carrie- thinking about you. Let me know how things go. Hi to the whole gang.

Beth- glad you finally got on. Happy Birthday again to my girl Katherine!!!


  1. Yes, dear, it was time to check in again. Looks like a great time. Love the kids. All is fine here. Some snow, some cold, no baby yet.

  2. Baby, Cyrel Kamari, was born today at 1:30pm. Beautiful

  3. keep the pics coming! and never have shoulder is horrible! i now understand a pain rating of 15 out of 10! hopefully it will start getting better soon. so, post is a good distraction!
