Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas from Penguin City!

Our port of call today was Puerto Madryn, Argentina. From there I did an excursion through the barren Patagonia plains to Punta Tombo Nature Reserve to see a colony of nesting Magellan penguins that number more than 1/2 million. Let me tell you, these guys were EVERYWHERE. we had a perfectly beautiful day with the typical Patagonian winds, but warm with blue skies - couldn't have asked for a better day. Basic rules for viewing: stay on the trail to avoid stepping on a nest and penguins always have the right of way. They're really quite busy and the path to the sea reminded me of the mass turnpike at rush hour.
I've posted a few of my 357 pictures (got a bit carried away). The penguins are obvious; the other llama-type animal is a "Guanaco". I'm not sure if there is another English word for it that I should know, but will check it out someday.

I hope that you all having a wonderful Christmas. Thanks for my gifts and the card from my work friends. And a special Happy Birthday to Matthew!
It's now 12:15am my time, so Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas, Kathy! Still cold and snowy here. Finally have all the presents wrapped! Lost a couple but they are found. Your pictures are wonderful. Looks like the trip is worth it!
    P.S. Sam was a little slow on the snow. We were a little nuts trying to get Ben to the airport in the snowstorm - he made it safely to Germany w/ snow on both sides of the Atlantic, Nevaeh coming home for 3 weeks and Ann and Cyrel coming home from the hospital. Whew! Christmas will be relaxing after that!

  2. Merry Christmas Kay Kay!! We missed you last night. Just didn't seem the same without you. Hope you're having a wonderful, warm Christmas. Love the pictures of the penguins. Mom was thrilled to talk to you, it was nice of you to call.
    Bob and the girls say Merry Christmas to you!


  3. Hi Kay Kay,
    Mom and I are at Beth for X-mas breakfast. You're suppose to be here!

    Moms say: Merry X-mas, we miss you. Last night was fun and here we are back again! Not the same with out you!!!! Love you, Your Mudder

    Merry Christmas Kay Kay. Glad you're having a blast. Love, Lou

  4. Merry Christmas Kay Kay!!!!!! Those penguins are the COOLEST! Hope you have a fun and festive day... WE MISS YOU!! Steve, Alec, and Harry say MERRY CHRISTMAS too!!!!!!!! XO

  5. Will you bring Kenzie and I home a penguin???? They are the cutest darn things!!! Of course, I want to see the other hundreds of photos, too!! What an incredible way to spend Christmas!!! How are the ship-board days? Keep posting!! Merry Merry to you!! Love, Carrie

    Can't wait for you to come home to tell us all about your trip! When are you coming to visit me in Nova Scotia???? Sorry I missed you on my visit home!!

  6. Hope you had a Happy Christmas ... I love the Penguin with the babies. It is so cute!
