Sunday, December 27, 2009

Love those King Penguins!

Spent the day in the Falkland Islands. Boggles the mind that there was a war over this place not long ago. But, nice people and great penguins! Half the fun of this excursion was the off-roading over the bogs to get to the beach. A long, but fun drive. I took twice as many pictures as I took of the previous penguins; at this rate I'll need to do about 5 photo books.

Mom - I see that you've posted on a blog for the first time. I'm impressed!

Kenzie - It was good to hear from you. I'll drive up there one of these days with your mom as I'd love to see the area (and you!). Probably won't be for a while as they may not let me off work again for a while :) Have a great vacation!

I'm going into a "dark zone" for the next 5 days while we're around Antarctica. Will post again as soon as we have reception.


  1. As a bird lover, I'm glad you found our cold water friends.
    I hope you appreciated that they were out for a summer holiday. I just wonder what the story is with the guy/gal with the fur coat.

  2. Hi Bob! Did you schedule those tango lessons yet? You know that you're always trying to think of a gift for Maryann, and I do think that's an idea that I could laugh about!

    The penguin with the fur coat is a baby that hasn't molted yet. There were many, many babies in various stages of molting in the area that I considered the "playpen" with parents standing guard. There was also a Dad carrying around his egg. What a fun experience. Hope all is well on the home front. Is COE2 done yet?

  3. How many gigs of memory cards did you bring???? Absolutely amazing penguins!!! Are you going on an excursion to Antarctica? Happy New Year if we don't hear from you until 2010!!

  4. kay kay, alec and i were wondering if it's colder in topsfield in winter, or antarctica in summer? today it's about 17 here... also, is it sunny all night where you are? happy new year!!

  5. Tina and Alec,

    It was indeed light all night. It was cold, but it only one day that I really felt like I could get frostbite. Mostly it was the wind. We're moving back to a bit warmer weather - should be around 40-50 at our next port. Check out the pictures with the next post.

    Love you.

  6. thanks Kay Kay...HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
