Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's all about the Tango!

I got a nice overview of Buenos Aires today. There is a lot of French-inspired architecture and that along with the tree-lined avenues, sidewalk cafe's and monuments at every turn gives some areas a definite feel of Paris. I had the obligatory viewing of the balcony where Eva Peron gave her speeches (and Madona was filmed for the movie) and the Recoleta Cemetery where she is buried. I have to say, I didn't have a particular interent in going to the cemetery, but it really is quite impressive.

The La Boca district was my favorite area of the city. The tradition of multi-colored homes comes from years ago when people didn't have money to buy paint, so they would ask for what ever leftovers they could get from ships in the port. It's a fun (and touristy) section of town with lots of shops, street vendors and restaurants/bars. Most of the bars have tango dancers and musicians playing to the patrons who sit at their sidewalk tables. Very lively!

Days are getting longer - about 15 hours now. What a nice deal that is! I'm off to Iguazu Falls tomorrow for an all-day adventure. We leave around 6am and don't get back until 10pm. Weather report is for 90 degrees with 90% humidity - yuck!

Glad to hear that you'll have a white Christmas. Stay safe and warm!


  1. Hello and it all looks so good! Warm days and long evenings, just what you wanted! oxxo S

  2. Don't tell Maryann about the tango. It will cost me dearly.

    You on the other hand should tango as much as possible. It will be good exercise for the snow shovelling that will await when you return from the summer tropics.

    Continue to enjoy yourself to the fullest.

    PS: Kemo is much too young to tango. I hope you are not trying to get him to keep up with you.
