Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Three Days in Manaus

Hello from the very hot, dry Amazon. The rainy season should be starting any day, and for those who live here it can't come soon enough. Accourding to one guide, the rivers are at the lowest point since 1918, making travel on small tributaries impossible and leaving those who live off the main rivers without a means of travel into Manaus for supplies and trade. Most of our excursions had to be altered in some way to accommodate the travel limitations, but its been interesting nonetheless.

Pictures: one of many monkeys at a jungle lodge, some of the homes along the Rio Nigro in Manaus, and a couple of shots at a re-creation of an early 20th century rubber tree plantation. They demonstrated how the rubber was tapped and then formed into large "balls" for shipping (and yes, they do bounce!). I also threw in a model of the famous opera house made out of 30,000 Legos for Alec and a guy on the street doing one of those "dice it and slice it" domos that was pretty entertaining. Who can find Kimo?


  1. Great pictures, Kath. The houses look like they came from the hill of Rio. And, yes, I found Kimo. Looks like an awesome trip!

  2. Hi Kay,
    Nice pictures. I thought that I saw Kimo twice.

  3. Great pics Kathy! I only saw the rodent once unless that's him with a knife pointed at him! You are missing some lovely weather here: The snow has changed to rain, windy with gusts up to 35 mph! Have a great trip!

  4. KV...I finally started checking up on you! I am so glad you found campanions..I couldn't imagine you wouldn't! It sounds so amazing and I am still sooo jealous! Kenzie comes home in the wee hours Tuesday AM and my surgery is set for Tuesday AM as well. Keep posting pics!!
