Monday, January 4, 2010

The Mountains of Patagonia

I flew from Punta Arenas to Puerto Natales in an 8-seater Cessna - even got to be the "co-pilot" on the way up. Then it was off to Torres del Paine National Park to see the spire-shaped mountains that I always associated with Patagonia. Saw lots of wildlife, including a flock of condors (are they called a flock?). I didn't get great pictures of the condors, but will post one any ways. Stunning scenery that just doesn't come across in my pictures. Another great day in South America!

We're traveling up the coast of Chili now, going in and out of the fjords. Not great weather for viewing the area as can be attested by the fact that I haven't taken one picture today. Hopefully it will clear for the last day in this area tomorrow.

Frank, Carlota, Carrie and the rest: good to hear from you all!
Sue: no colds, flu or plague. So far, so good!
Annette: I go to Machu Picchu on Jan 12; back on the ship on the 15th.

As I'm waiting for these pictures to post, I looked up out of the window and see the brightest rainbow I've ever seen. To bad my camera is back in my room!


  1. WOW! what a stunning place! do you just want t o stay there? i think i would...

    according to wikipedia, a group of condors is called 'condo' or 'scarcity'.

    hello from alec, harry, and steve.

  2. I've FINALLY figured out how to post here. Loving all of your photos! Penguins are sooo cute! Landscapes - fabulous. Can't believe it's been a month since I've seen you. I'm more determined than ever (after seeing your photos) to do the Santiago to Buenos Aires cruise on the Symphony in Jan., 2011. How are your tablemates on this leg? HA! Patty

    Keep them coming.
    I made a recipe out of the cookbook that you gave me and it was delicious. Thank you very much.

  4. The view is amazing... breathtaking!!!

  5. Where is Kimo? We haven't seen him in awhile. I hope he didn't get lost among the penquins.

    Beautiful photos. I can't wait to see the ENTIRE collection.

  6. gorgeous scenery.... if it's more beautiful in person, it must be amazing. We all look forward to your posts and pictures so keep them coming! I think those mountains in Patagonia are my favorite so far. How's Feb. 27th for raupe??

  7. Glad to hear you are well! Don't know how it could be otherwise with all that natural beauty surrounding you. Just makes you want to go more places doesn't it?! ox

  8. One thing that I forgot to mention on this post was that when we took off from Punta Arenas we could see the Atlantic Ocean on our right, and the Pacific on our left. I thought that was pretty amazing, so wanted to point it out.

    Tina: thanks for the education on condor groups. I don't think that there as been one particular place that I've wanted to stay indefinitely, but I really don't want to get off the ship. I'd like to continue this journey around the world for the next year or so. Hi back to the boys!

    Patty & Sandra: two new posters, what fun! Patty- my table mates this round have been great, but you can come back any time!

    Lou & Beth: glad you liked the book. I could have been more creative and bought you each a different one, but I really like her recipes. I missed having Christmas morning with all of you  Beth- I'm sure that the 27th will be fine with me for raupe day. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone as a "make-up" from the Christmas Eve celebration.

    Bob: Kimo must hide from me whenever I leave the cabin - or could it be that I keep forgetting him? My room stewardess loves to find new perches to set Kimo on. I never know where I'm going to find him when I come back to my cabin. It's pretty funny.

  9. sorry we missed your call the other day, but it was nice to at least hear your lovely voice on the answering machine! xo
