Tuesday, January 26, 2016


From Mexico we cruised up to LA where I met a friend from last year’s world cruise at the Getty Center.  She brought along her daughter and 3 grandchildren making for a very fun day of exploring the art, gardens and architecture of this amazing museum.  As we wandered around I couldn’t help but think that architect Richard Meier must have had such fun designing this place.  


Plenty for the kids to do too, including taking some time in the sketching room.
The next day we sailed into San Francisco.  I’ve been over the bridge a number of times but had never seen it from this angle.  Beautiful!
It was a good weekend in the city where I visited with cousins and with another friend from last year’s world cruise.  With the later, we walked the streets of Chinatown and went for a dim sum brunch.  The chrysanthemum tea was good but the scent was oddly reminiscent of marijuanaJ


Preparations are being made for the upcoming Chinese New Year so the streets were packed with shoppers and traditional celebratory foods were on display.

The official world cruise has now begun and we’ve set sail for Honolulu.  These four days will be the longest stretch of sea days of the trip – quite different from last year when we crossed three oceans.  I’ll enjoy them for now but looking forward to hitting So Pacific islands!

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