Monday, February 1, 2016


We had a pretty short visit to Honolulu where the first of two shore-side events was held for those of us on the full world cruise.   We docked at noon in Honolulu Harbor, next to the Aloha Tower (seen in the background behind the hula gal) and set sail again at 1am.  Just enough time to party!    
 Amazing how much this city has grown since I was last here 10 or so years ago and a far cry from when I worked here in 1981.

The world cruise event was aboard the Battleship USS Missouri – aka ‘Mighty Mo’.   Now a museum, the ship is permanently docked next to the Arizona Memorial on Ford Island.  It was built in 1944 and was the site where MacArthur accepted Japan’s surrender.  In addition to WWII, she saw action in the Korean War and Dessert Storm.  Party aside, it was also a time to reflect and appreciate those who served. 

We were greeted by children presenting us with leis and Hawaiian dance.

The event was a take-off on a 40’s USO show with the typical big-band music and song.  The singers, wait staff and crew were all dressed in the clothing and hair styles befitting the time period.  A couple of the women told me how much fun the event was for them as well. 

We’re currently in route to Fanning Island.  Here’s to hoping for a great beach!


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