Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sydney and the Blue Mountains

We had two days in Sydney.  One day I spent roaming the city with friends where we enjoyed the botanical gardens, museums and some shopping in the area known as The Rocks. The second day I did an excursion out to the Blue Mountains with a stop at a wildlife park along the way.

I tried for some different views of the opera house and bridge from what I posted last year.

We saw quite a few Asian couples doing wedding shoots in what appeared to be rented gowns (some pinned together in the back).  Must be ‘a thing’ to do.
A street musician playing the didgeridoo.
The Blue Mountains and the rock formation known as The Three Sisters.

A few shots from the wildlife park...

Tomorrow we stop in Brisbane, followed by Hamilton Island and the Great Barrier Reef.  I’ve been told not to have great expectations for the snorkeling on the reef as the location that we go to is the most frequented location and therefore the most destroyed.  Apparently you need to go much further out to see the truly pristine areas.  I’ll go anyway and hope for the best.  

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