Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fiji Islands

The past two days have been in Fiji where I spent most of the time on beaches and snorkeling.  I know that it’s cold and snowy at home, so I feel a bit guilty (just a bit) as I post these photos.  I’m likely to bore you with snorkeling photos but it’s such fun!  The first stop was on the island of Yasawa-I-Rara where the movie The Blue Lagoon was filmed.  I think that the movie was a bust, but location certainly wasn’t.  I didn’t go over to the caves that apparently were shown in the movie, and chose to spend my time in the incredibly clear, warm water at this pretty beach.


Today’s port was Lautoka on the island of Viti Levu.  I went to a very small island for the day and, you guessed it, did lots of snorkeling.
 Apparently these guys don’t sting, but I tried to keep clear anyway.  
These blue starfish were everywhere.


We have three more islands before getting to Sydney.  Oh boy, more snorkeling coming up!


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