Saturday, February 6, 2016

Fanning & Apia Islands

Fanning Island, Republic of Kiribati is the least developed of the Pacific Islands I’ve been to so far.  It’s an oval-shaped coral atoll with pretty beaches and swaying palm trees.  The locals were out selling their crafts and seemed to be a happy people who live a very simple life.  Sadly, this island is expected to be the first to disappear under the rising waters associated with global warming and will likely be uninhabitable within 15-20 years.

I loved the prices written on a leaf!

Some dressed up for photos to earn money.

And, more cute kids.

Next up was Apia, Western Samoa where a friend and I took a shuttle into town to check out a craft market.  Much of the market was made of new wood and more stalls were being added.  Turns out, the other market stalls had burn down only two days prior and they put this new one up in with lighting speed knowing that a cruise ship was coming to town.  

On the walk back to the ship we stepped into the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.  This church is amazing with many beautiful stain-glass windows, a mahogany ceiling and an interesting Christian-meets-Samoan motif painted in the dome. 
We also wandered into a cultural center where we watched a bit of native dance.
Trees with beautiful orange flowers were in bloom along the harbor walk.

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