Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mekong Delta - Vietnam

It's been a while since I updated, mostly because I've been ill off and on for the past couple of weeks.  Much better now but unfortunately I had to skip Angkor Wat.  Major bummer as this was to have been a highlight of the trip.  Ah well, maybe another day.

I've been in Vietnam for a few days now and just loving it. The photos below are from the first of two days that I spent in different areas of the Mekong Delta.  Both days were about seeing how people live in more rural areas.  At a brick-making factory, this woman feeds the furnace with rice husks- an endless supply of fuel in this area. The temperature must be maintained around the clock while the bricks are being fired.

At a rice noodle factory, sheets of a rice mixture are drying outside.  Once dry they feel more like plastic then anything edible.  After being peeled off the racks they're cut and packaged.  If you buy rice noodles from Vietnam they were made in this fashion.

We got around by various modes of transport during these two days including different types of boats. 

Making coconut candy.

Never-ending coconuts to husk and clean, jobs I can't even imagine.  The kids come in after school to help.

Some of the many river houses.

I had to throw in one photo of the bikers.  I've seen families of four (but I hear up to 6 sometimes ride on the bikes), I've seen mothers with infants in their laps and so much more.  Pretty interesting.

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